whenas / wɛnˈæz, wən-, ʰwɛn-, ʰwən- /


whenas 的定义

conj. 连词 conjunction
  1. Archaic. when.inasmuch as.
  2. Obsolete. whereas.


  1. Messer Ricciardo, hearing these words, was distressed beyond endurance and said, whenas he saw she had made an end of speaking.
  2. When they came thither, the lady said to Gianni, 'Do thou spit, whenas I shall bid thee.'
  3. Thou feltest not that which I suffered, whenas thou pulledst me now by the hair.'
  4. And I can assure you that, whenas she goeth abroad, she maketh herself well felt, albeit she abideth for the most part shut up.
  5. All the folk have already dined whenas thou comest back to dinner.'