whacky / ˈʰwæk i, ˈwæk i /


whacky 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

whack·i·er, whack·i·est.

  1. Slang. wacky.


  1. For people interested in learning more about a specific product, Kik serves a dialogue box with multiple whacky options.
  2. It’s “kind of whacky” to see a snake move like this, says Gregory Byrnes.
  3. The strange thing was, though, that there were some things even a gal going whacky couldn't explain.
  4. As the Pantomime and Music-hall poet sang, "Tooral looral lido, whacky smacky smack!"
  5. A refrain of one of his songs in this line was: "And if the rocks, they don't sthop us, We will cross to Killiloo, whacky-whay!"