weeder / ˈwi dər /


weeder 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who removes weeds, as from a garden or lawn.
  2. a device, as a tool or machine, for removing weeds.


  1. I read Anthropometry of Algerian Women and Optimum Handle Height for a Push-Pull Type Manually Operated Dryland Weeder.
  2. Whilst I am worth one, to pay a weeder—thy path from thy door to thy bowling-green shall never be grown up.
  3. These weeders must be used frequently to be of much value, for after a weed is well rooted the weeder cannot destroy it.
  4. As one weeder put it: "Poor man make no money, make plenty children—plenty children good for sugar-beet business."
  5. Among these tools might be mentioned the onion hoe, the hand weeder, and the thinning or weeding hook.
  6. I use a sixteen-inch disc, Acme harrow, Thomas's smoothing harrow, and Barnes's weeder.