washtub / ˈwɒʃˌtʌb, ˈwɔʃ- /


washtub 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a tub for use in washing clothes, linens, etc.


  1. And this little boy had on red trousers, because, I guess, his blue ones were in the washtub.
  2. And as for a dozen sets of underclothes, that won't wear once they see the washtub, they look foolish to me.
  3. David went into the little kitchen, where a woman was bending wearily over a washtub.
  4. In this sense, Charlie Wah Loo, with his washtub and irons, is his own beloved helpmate.
  5. One single theme kept rolling around like a pea in a washtub; just what had happened to that television set and those jukeboxes?