washerwoman / ˈwɒʃ ərˌwʊm ən, ˈwɔ ʃər- /


washerwoman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural wash·er·wom·en.

  1. a woman who washes clothes, linens, etc., for hire; laundress.


  1. She worked as a domestic and a nanny for a wealthy family, then secured a job as a washerwoman chez Mère Fillioux.
  2. Ah, ça, Monsieur my brother, do you take me for a washerwoman?
  3. The last paper would deal with the washerwoman at one's own home, and at hers.
  4. He would have her save out of her washerwoman and linendraper, and yet have a smart gown and go in a brougham.
  5. Among them was an elderly woman going to see her daughter, who was a washerwoman at St. Petersburg.
  6. Touched by her youth, her misfortune and her beauty, my father apprenticed her to a washerwoman who lived near us.