wake-robin / ˈweɪkˌrɒb ɪn /


wake-robin 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the cuckoopint.
  2. any of various plants belonging to the genus Trillium, native to eastern North America, of the lily family, as T. erectum, having rank-smelling purple, yellow, or white flowers.


  1. That is why The Daily Beast stands with Charlie Hebdo and published their controversial covers in the wake of the attack.
  2. In the wake of this turmoil, the New York Post reported that the police had stopped policing.
  3. However, we have just had a necessary wake-up call that all is not as secure as we believed.
  4. The newly free country struggled to maintain order in the wake of independence, but it was woefully unprepared.
  5. “Robin had us blubbing with laughter all the way through one dinner,” Gilkes recalls.
  6. Mrs. Jolly Robin had often wished—when she was trying to feed a rapidly-growing family—that she could hunt forp.
  7. And since he was glad enough to do that, Mrs. Robin managed to feed her children all they needed.
  8. Robin Hood stared at him for a moment with a puzzled expression, and then walked into his little shop, and Davy turned away.
  9. And then Jolly Robin would feel ashamed that he had even thought of being so cruel to an infant bird, even if he was a Cowbird.
  10. Sometimes Grandfather Mole would speak to Mrs. Robin, or her husband; for he could hear them talking.