wahoo / wɑˈhu, ˈwɑ hu /


wahoo 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural wa·hoos.

  1. any of various American shrubs or small trees, as the winged elm, Ulmus alata, or a linden, Tilia heterophylla.


  1. A sobering article on gang rape inside a UVA fraternity has Wahoo alumni like myself up in arms.
  2. The detachment would pass on its march within a short distance of Wahoo Swamp and might easily be surprised and overpowered.
  3. Three days later they rallied to meet General Call, who was advancing upon Wahoo swamp with over a thousand men.
  4. Of late, he has fixed his residence at Wahoo; upon learning of which, the captain determined to proceed thither.
  5. Maccallum informed me that it was very fertile; that provisions were abundant, and much cheaper than at either Owhyhee or Wahoo.
  6. Upon Wahoo alone he had estates on which were four or five hundred people, who cultivated the land, and paid him a rent in kind.