vizier / vɪˈzɪər, ˈvɪz yər /


vizier 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a high official in certain Muslim countries and caliphates, especially a minister of state.Compare grand vizier.


  1. The rebel leader was deep in converse with a richly-attired personage whom Frank discovered afterwards to be the Vizier.
  2. Our last visit on this day was to the beautiful monument of the Vizier Sofdar-Dchang, which is also a mosque.
  3. Battle of Maclin; a body of 70,000 Turks under the grand vizier, defeated by the Russians.
  4. She did so, and bound the Vizier's arms with a scarf, which so amused the Wazir that he laughed loud and long.
  5. I shall become a great emir,—vizier perhaps—no—I will better that; what may not a good sword hope with favoring start?