viscacha / vɪˈskɑ tʃə /


viscacha 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a burrowing rodent, Lagostomus maximus, about the size of a groundhog, inhabiting the pampas of Paraguay and Argentina, allied to the chinchilla.
  2. Also called mountain viscacha. a related rodent of the genus Lagidium, of the Andes, about the size of a squirrel, having rabbitlike ears and a squirrellike tail.


  1. Closely related to the chinchilla is the viscacha, which is found very abundantly in the great pampas districts of South America.
  2. In many forms this part of the sternum is much broader than the pieces which follow; this is so with the Viscacha.
  3. There the biscacha, or viscacha—as it is indifferently spelt—plays pretty much the same part as the rabbit in our northern lands.
  4. Why does the white huntsman earth himself like a timid viscacha?
  5. The fur of the viscacha is not so pretty, being of a brownish and white mixture.