viol / ˈvaɪ əl /


viol 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a bowed musical instrument, differing from the violin in having deeper ribs, sloping shoulders, a greater number of strings, usually six, and frets: common in the 16th and 17th centuries in various sizes from the treble viol to the bass viol.


  1. So the angels gave the lad white wings like their own, and a great viol like a jongleur's.
  2. The sound of the viol is again heard, and the merry dance is kept up till near morning light.
  3. I doubt if you can play the Dead March on a bass-viol, and I'm morally certain you can't play it and walk with it too.
  4. Pillsbury played the bass viol, and once a week or so he and Penny got together and spent an entranced hour.
  5. Tabret and viol jangle harshly in the ears that have rioted in melodies made by fairy harpers.