vingt-et-un 的定义
- Yves Albarello, MP of Seine-et-Marne, said the gunmen told police they were ready to “die as martyrs.”
- It was a coming-out story of sorts told with self-effacing un-sentimentality.
- Ebb and flow, checks and balances, the center would hold, et cetera.
- Of course, Kim Jong-Un takes an image hit as a Katy Perry-obsessed, margarita-drinking maniac with daddy issues.
- “They humanized [Kim Jong-Un] quite a bit,” David Brand, 32, said following the show.
- The Vulgate translates: “Et obviabit illi quasi mater honorificata, et quasi mulier a virginitate suscipiet illum.”
- De secretis operibus artis et naturae, et de nullitate magiae, p. 533 (Brewer).
- Peu aprs nostre arrive, i'escrivy l'estat auquel nous avons retrouv ceste Eglise et Colonie naissante.
- Commenons, comme l'on dict, de chez nous, de la maison et habitation; puis nous sortirons dehors.
- Estimez un peu que c'est du reste du symbole et fondemens chrestiens.