vill / vɪl /


vill 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a territorial division under the feudal system; township.
  2. village.


  1. If it ish true dat de closhe makes de man, you vill do excellent vell, and de people vill not now run after you.
  2. It is no goot until I vill a tunnel make or der grade lefel.
  3. Py shiminy grickets, oof you hit me mit a flad-iron I vill mad be as some hornets.
  4. You vas a fine feller, und ve vill go some place und I vill tell you somet'ing.
  5. Vell, oof you know anypody in Tenver, I vill leaf your shtuff any blace vat you say.