vigoureux / ˌvi gəˈrʊ; French vi guˈrœ /


vigoureux 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a fabric having a dark and light pattern produced by vigoureux printing.


  1. In short, for a dozen years Major Narcisse Vigoureux had been, for an unmarried man, an exceedingly happy one.
  2. Major Vigoureux fell asleep almost as soon as his head touched the pillow.
  3. By the bye, Vigoureux—if you'll not mind my saying so—you handled that Council of yours admirably.
  4. Major Vigoureux' face had whitened as he read that letter, five years ago.
  5. Matre Perrin alone saw, by a sharp and rapid frown on the face of Madame Vigoureux, that there was something serious in it.