vietcong / viˌɛtˈkɒŋ, -ˈkɔŋ, ˌvyɛt-, ˌvi ɪt- /


vietcong2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural Vi·et·cong.

  1. a Communist-led army and guerrilla force in South Vietnam that fought its government and was supported by North Vietnam.
  2. a member or supporter of this force.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to this force or one of its members or supporters.


  1. There's a surf scene where the soldiers capture a Vietcong village so they can go surfing at a nearby break.
  2. Ug Bitkung ang makabanhig way mabúhì, When the Vietcong ambush, no one survives.