vicegerent / vaɪsˈdʒɪər ənt /


vicegerent2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an officer appointed as deputy by and to a sovereign or supreme chief.
  2. a deputy in general.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. exercising delegated powers.
  2. characterized by delegation of powers.

vicegerent 近义词


等同于 pope

vicegerent 的近义词 15

等同于 vicar


  1. He could depose prelates and excommunicate the greatest personages; he enjoyed enormous revenues; he was vicegerent of the Pope.
  2. Parental authority should be regarded as vicegerent authority, set up by God and ruling in His stead.
  3. Startling doctrine this to the slobbering vicegerent of God, conceding to the people acts to be revoked at his pleasure.
  4. They have ceased to believe in God; but they still believe in His self-appointed vicegerent, the Kaiser.
  5. In these wilds Aimery was his vicegerent and bore himself proudly as the proxy of such a monarch.