vicarage / ˈvɪk ər ɪdʒ /


vicarage 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the residence of a vicar.
  2. the benefice of a vicar.
  3. the office or duties of a vicar.

vicarage 近义词


等同于 ministry


等同于 rectory

vicarage 的近义词 1

等同于 rectory

vicarage 的近义词 4


  1. There were yet two mortal hours to get through, and the men of the party sought the cool shades of the vicarage garden.
  2. The council gathered in the vicarage room felt itself strengthened.
  3. To be sitting there in an English vicarage plotting violence against a woman disturbed him.
  4. Again the poet appears to have forwarded the following letter to the Stowmarket Vicarage.
  5. He reached the vicarage on a Sunday, when all, except Martha the old servant, were at church.