verb / vɜrb /


verb 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any member of a class of words that function as the main elements of predicates, that typically express action, state, or a relation between two things, and that may be inflected for tense, aspect, voice, mood, and to show agreement with their subject or object.

verb 近义词

n. 名词 noun

action word


  1. While the company hasn’t become a verb akin to Google, its name has made its way into financial vernacular.
  2. “Our brand is now widely used as a verb for bike taxi and 30 minute deliveries, and the fresh capital allows us to expand our network to solidify our leading position,” he said.
  3. When you look at other languages, you can see that same piece of structure, the thing that conveys the same meaning, further away from the verb.
  4. You find that same pattern—things that get attached to the verb—in language after language.
  5. A verb marking whether the speaker has good evidence or not-so-good evidence for the thing they’re talking about is called an evidential.
  6. Thus the adoption of any particular verb is a matter of taste, not a question of absolute correctness.
  7. The term “gestation,” for instance, is derived from the Latin verb gestāre, used to describe a mammal carrying a burden.
  8. As with any emergent technology where an action is involved, the brand becomes the verb.
  9. The verb shovel is not a figure of speech; a garden shovel actually is used to serve the oysters.
  10. Their Dutch nickname, putterje, comes from the verb putten, meaning to draw water from a well.
  11. The verb (—) in the Hebrew, when connected with the name of God in different other passages, has the same import.
  12. Here ends Chaucer's portion of the translation, in the middle of an incomplete sentence, without any verb.
  13. Observe that the word Christus has no verb following it; it is practically an objective case, governed by thanke in l. 168. '
  14. Both in the present passage and in the Pardoner's Prologue the verb to erme is used with the same sb., viz.
  15. Ethel could not help saying, "How did you find out the meaning of that word, Tom, if you didn't look out the verb?"