veld / vɛlt, fɛlt /


veld 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the open country, bearing grass, bushes, or shrubs, or thinly forested, characteristic of parts of southern Africa.


  1. The first soldier to charge across this rhetorical veld is followed by hundreds harrumphing their assent.
  2. The bare veld is dotted with these unsightly buildings for a distance of over fifty miles.
  3. Besides the buildings, the compounds include wide stretches of veld.
  4. Therefore, my baasjes, Outa cooks bossies from the veld to rub on—buchu and kookamakranka and karroo bossies.
  5. He crawled out far in the veld and sat in the path where the Old Blue One liked to walk.
  6. The whole veld was full of them, and they all began eating tortoises wherever they could find them.