velar / ˈvi lər /


velar2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to a velum, especially the soft palate.
  2. Phonetics. articulated with the back of the tongue held close to or touching the soft palate.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Phonetics. a velar sound.


  1. Also called velar (from velum, for which see § 8) and more usually, but less accurately, guttural.
  2. The metastoma, which has become in Ammocœtes the lower lip supplied by the velar or mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve ; 2.
  3. What, then, are these velar folds, and how is it that the tubular muscles of these two segments become the velar muscles?
  4. This is that part of the velar folds which comes together in the middle line and closes the entrance into the respiratory chamber.
  5. The velar or mandibular nerve supplies in Ammocœtes the muscles of the lower lip.