varix 的定义
plural var·i·ces [vair-uh-seez]. /ˈvɛər əˌsiz/.
- Also called varicosity. Pathology. a permanent abnormal dilation and lengthening of a vein, usually accompanied by some tortuosity; a varicose vein.
- Zoology. a ridgelike mark or scar on the surface of a shell at a former position of the lip of the aperture.
- It is a common experience in women that the signs of varix date from an antecedent pregnancy.
- This is to be looked upon rather as a compensatory hypertrophy of the superficial vessels than as a true varix.
- The larger the varix the greater is the tendency for a thrombus to spread upwards and to involve the deep veins.
- Aneurysmal varix may occur in the neck as a result of stabs or bullet wounds.
- Varix at the lower end of the œsophagus may give rise to hæmatemesis, and be mistaken for gastric ulcer.