ute / yut /


ute 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Informal. a utility vehicle.


  1. Ancestors of the Ute people had cherished the spring for its physical and spiritual healing.
  2. Soon after, while journeying on over an open plain, he once more heard the Ute on his trail.
  3. Nu is riht enne we demen us seolf eauer unmihtie to werien to witen us oer ei god to halden wi ute godes helpe.
  4. The post gets its water from the Ute Creek and water from this stream flows in a ditch completely around the parade.
  5. A Ute who could speak Spanish accompanied it with the word blanco, as if recognizing that it required explanation.
  6. They and their captain (Payne) you have heard more of in the Ute campaign.