the act or fact of urbanizing, or taking on the characteristics of a city: Urbanization has led to more air pollution and increasing childhood asthma.
In 2015, New York launched Urbantech NYC to uncover new technology solutions to urbanization problems faced by government, businesses and urban residents, tackling issues related to food, water, medicine, waste management and other problems.
On a much wider scale, the New Urban Agenda global vision by the United Nations’ Habitat program, meanwhile, calls for more inclusive and sustainable urbanization and settlement planning.
Climate change, competition for resources, and urbanization will produce more conflict.
The inflation is also an indicator for the health of a threatened woodland ecosystem in an age of mass urbanization and factory farming and dwindling green spaces.
There is still quite a long pathway to reach peak urbanization in China.
Future urbanization does not need to pose a choice between rural hopelessness and urban despair.
Colorful inflated onion domes appeared to symbolize the birth of urbanization.
Urbanization in China has brought hundreds of millions of people from rural locations to the bustling coastal metropolises.
Rarely considered, however, is whether this form of urbanization creates a good place for people, particularly families.
Blame the weak recovery, an aging population, increasing urbanization, and the growth of public transport.
The effects of urbanization are more tangible and better recognized than those of agricultural land-use.
Three modifications which have especially affected streams have been agricultural use, urbanization, and industrialization.
What was it that reversed the process of urbanization that was going on in the mother country?
The development of the inspection system with its chain of tobacco warehouses hastened urbanization.
Another effect of urbanization has been increased loads of sewage discharged into the streams.