upholster / ʌpˈhoʊl stər, əˈpoʊl- /


upholster 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to provide with coverings, cushions, stuffing, springs, etc.
  2. to furnish with hangings, curtains, carpets, or the like.

upholster 近义词

v. 动词 verb


upholster 的近义词 4


  1. Under these conditions my Scolia-grubs contrive at most to upholster their little pit with a thick down of reddish silk.
  2. The original term was upholder, which is still in occasional use; next upholster; and, thirdly, upholsterer.
  3. Deprive my figure of all drapery, or upholster it like a window-frame.
  4. By no means an attractive piece of flesh and blood, and yet a good sample of the class that go to upholster a seraglio.
  5. To upholster a chair seat, a frame should first be made of the shape shown in Fig. 298, C.