unspoiled / (ʌnˈspɔɪld) /


unspoiled 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having an unaltered character

unspoiled 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. After all I'm just a simple, unspoiled girl who wants to become queen.
  2. The film lets her unspoiled beauty speak the so-called “wicked” truth: for Ellen, abortion was the best choice.
  3. But for me, Marfa is really the gateway to all that this unspoiled region has to offer.
  4. Michael Daly on the Park Avenue kid who seemed out of place and somehow unspoiled in court.
  5. Outside the lodge, the unspoiled African wilderness creates a breathtaking panorama.
  6. He had attained to position and wealth and, which successful men sometimes are not, was quite unspoiled.
  7. Hers was one of those clear, golden complexions, and there was a certain unspoiled sweetness about her mouth.
  8. It is a genuine old border town, so far unspoiled by commercialism.
  9. "And Marius can have his romance unspoiled, his commission, and his happy future," continued Miss Chressham.
  10. Notwithstanding, she was a quiet, unspoiled girl with a genuine liking for school and studies.