unsalable / ˈseɪ lə bəl /


unsalable 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. subject to or suitable for sale; readily sold: The books were sent back by the store in salable condition.

unsalable 近义词


等同于 valueless

unsalable 的近义词 3


  1. Obviously, there are well-respected artists whose work is largely unsalable.
  2. But only once did a work of art really punch me in the gut—and it was as unsalable as they come.
  3. His booklet of twenty-two pages, unsalable in his time, is to-day held worth far more than its weight in gold.
  4. An alert merchant with a large amount of an unsalable material on hand named it "Persis pink," and women fought for it.
  5. Property continued almost unsalable, and prices were less than a half of what they had been in 1853-'54.
  6. It took still more time for consultations as to what should now be done with their unsalable stock.
  7. Scott's good humor and his partner's bad judgment saddled the concern with a lot of unsalable books.