unrepresentative / (ˌʌnrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv) /


unrepresentative 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not typical or representative

unrepresentative 近义词


等同于 atypical


等同于 preternatural


等同于 deviant


等同于 anomalous


  1. An unrepresentative turnout makes for an unrepresentative result.
  2. But the old unrepresentative Congress was also capable of surprisingly decisive action.
  3. The caucuses are the most overrated, unrepresentative aspect of the 2012 presidential campaign.
  4. According to whether they like it or do not like it, I hope they will consider it a representative or an unrepresentative sample.
  5. First of all, why do men vaguely feel that the House of Commons is unrepresentative?
  6. Our so-called representative system is unrepresentative in a deeper way than the reformers who talk about the money power imagine.
  7. I declare my belief that we are suffering, not from a too extended ballot, but from one too limited and unrepresentative.
  8. As a deliberative body, convocation has done much useful work, but it suffers considerably from its unrepresentative nature.