unordinary / ˈɔr dnˌɛr i /


unordinary2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.
  2. plain or undistinguished: ordinary clothes.
  3. somewhat inferior or below average; mediocre.
n. 名词 noun

plural or·di·nar·ies.

  1. the commonplace or average condition, degree, etc.: ability far above the ordinary.
  2. something regular, customary, or usual.
  3. Ecclesiastical. an order or form for divine service, especially that for saying Mass.the service of the Mass exclusive of the canon.

unordinary 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. So despite the fact that the experiment involved extreme pressures and temperatures, Nilsson says, “it influences water in our ordinary life.”
  2. The 1918 flu, for example, crisscrossed the globe and claimed tens of millions of lives, yet by 1920, the virus that caused it had become significantly less deadly, causing only ordinary seasonal flu.
  3. His mind becomes unfocused, it focuses on everything, no longer directed toward any ordinary task or social pleasantry.
  4. Honda’s launch of its Level 3 Legend in March 2021 will be one watched by regulators and ordinary drivers alike around the world as one of the first true tests of a mass-produced and regulator-approved autonomous vehicle system.
  5. Soon those experiments showed that polywater’s properties came about from the presence of impurities in ordinary water.
  6. It was enough that he qualified as that all too unordinary social phenomenon, "an amusing person."
  7. It was a six-legged, striped, catlike beast, not unordinary as interplanetary animals go.