unlikable / ˈlaɪ kə bəl /


unlikable 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. readily or easily liked; pleasing: a likable young man.

unlikable 近义词


等同于 undesirable


等同于 unpleasant


等同于 disagreeable


等同于 distasteful


  1. But we should be more ready to celebrate both real and fictional women for daring to be unlikable.
  2. Katherine, Daniel, and Nathan are quite unlikable people, stuck with one another, whining to their friends and family.
  3. Whatever the answer, the inverse desire for unlikable characters—truly despicable ones—is interesting.
  4. She speaks to Lucy Scholes about blending fact and fiction, her unlikable main character, and her next novel featuring a medium.
  5. We have had, in the modern era, just one truly unlikable president.
  6. She was, he told himself, an extremely unlikable young woman.
  7. For as a young fellow I was not bad-looking, nor had I, so I flatter myself, an unlikable disposition.
  8. Because I don't like girls of that stamp doesn't argue her unlikable.