unicycle / ˈyu nəˌsaɪ kəl /


unicycle2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a vehicle with one wheel, especially a pedal-driven device kept upright and steered by body balance, commonly used by acrobats and other performers.
v. 无主动词 verb

u·ni·cy·cled, u·ni·cy·cling.

  1. to ride a unicycle.


  1. And I guarantee that neither candidate is going to rip up your commuter route and replace it with a unicycle track.
  2. Unicycle, ū-ni-sī′kl, n. an acrobat's cycle having but one wheel.
  3. Lenny sat behind the far desk, watching his brother come up the primrose path in a unicycle.
  4. M. Scuri is also known as the inventor of a unicycle and a quadruple cornet.