undoubtable / daʊt /


undoubtable3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe: The police have good reason to doubt his alibi.
  2. to distrust; regard with suspicion: I doubted the salesman, so we decided to check with other dealers.
  3. Archaic. to fear; be apprehensive about.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to be uncertain about something; be undecided in opinion or belief: The priest told me that it was normal to doubt, but encouraged me to nurture my faith.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a feeling of uncertainty about the truth, reality, or nature of something: We all had our doubts about your mysterious Canadian girlfriend since no one has ever seen her in person.
  2. distrust or suspicion: Voters naturally held some doubt about the abrupt change in policy direction issued by city hall.
  3. a general feeling of uncertainty, worry, or concern: As soon as I'd dropped out of school to become a full-time musician, I was full of doubt—what if I’d made a terrible mistake?Set your doubts aside, and listen to my business idea with an open mind.

undoubtable 近义词


等同于 provable


  1. She read in this singular alteration of his ways the undoubtable indication of an altered character.
  2. He felt that her undoubtable quality had a non-individual flavour, as if standing for her class.
  3. For then leaving virtue, it falls into disdained baseness, which is the undoubtable badge of one that will betray society.
  4. There was an undoubtable noise of sawing, and I knew at once that a burglar was entering our home.
  5. Was it only his habit in diplomatic affairs to doubt everything that was not undoubtable.