underplot / ˈʌn dərˌplɒt /


underplot 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a plot subordinate to another plot, as in a novel.


  1. Underplot, un′dėr-plot, n. a plot under or subordinate to the main plot in a play or tale: a secret scheme, a trick.
  2. It is further to be noted that the Jessica Underplot has itself an inferior story attached to it, ii.
  3. The underplot of the Glenallans, gloomy almost beyond endurance, is very ingeniously made to unravel the mystery of Lovel.
  4. But the page element by no means represents Lyly's only attempt at creating an underplot.
  5. In stage presentation the play also shows a wide departure from Kyd, especially in the indescribable comic underplot.