uncap / ʌnˈkæp /


uncap2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

un·capped, un·cap·ping.

  1. to remove a cap or cover from.
  2. to free from limits or restrictions: The union is demanding that cost-of-living allowances be uncapped.
  3. to remove a cap or hat from.
v. 无主动词 verb

un·capped, un·cap·ping.

  1. to remove the cap or hat from the head, as in respect.


  1. Uncap your highlighter, however, when you see the word “Yellowstone” or “father,” or “cancer.”
  2. Upon arriving at that place the men were ordered to uncap their muskets.
  3. At other times uncap the fuze suited to the distance, and the one of longest time of burning.
  4. He didn't uncap the pen until he had read the whole thing, and while he pored over the fine print I had time to catch my breath.