unbitted / ʌnˈbɪt ɪd /


unbitted 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not bitted or bridled.
  2. not controlled.


  1. "It's easy—for him," commented Brand Williams, discussing Collie's almost uncanny quelling of a vicious, unbitted mustang.
  2. The latter were unbitted and feeding, when the whole of the enemy's cavalry made their appearance.
  3. Like an unbitted horse, all restraint shaken off, she ran free toward the ocean as to her pasture-land.
  4. She held her head high, and capered like an unbitted yearling fresh off the first spring pastures.
  5. So much the worse for the ship, for her cable can be unbitted, as well as the schooner's.