ulcerate / ˈʌl səˌreɪt /


ulcerate2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

ul·cer·at·ed, ul·cer·at·ing.

  1. to form an ulcer; become ulcerous: His skin ulcerated after exposure to radioactive material.
v. 有主动词 verb

ul·cer·at·ed, ul·cer·at·ing.

  1. to cause an ulcer on or in: Continued worry ulcerated his stomach.

ulcerate 近义词


等同于 fester


  1. Gummata grow more rapidly, are usually painful to the touch, are not freely movable, and tend to break down and ulcerate.
  2. The skin of the affected part may become brawny and slightly scaly, and not infrequently may break down and ulcerate.
  3. As a rule the growths are smooth, firm and elastic, somewhat painful upon pressure, and exhibit a tendency to ulcerate.
  4. The appearance of any tendency to crusting, to break down or ulcerate is significant of epitheliomatous degeneration.
  5. These later break down and ulcerate; the ulceration then spreads up and down, causing an immense amount of destruction.