uh-oh / ˈʌˌoʊ /


uh-oh 的定义

interj. 感叹词 interjection
  1. .

uh-oh 近义词


等同于 whoops

uh-oh 的近义词 5


  1. As the protagonist gets herself off in front of her impotent husband, she moans “Oh, Gronky.”
  2. I just recently rewatched all six Star Wars movies the other day… Oh wow, from the beginning?
  3. And Ollie says, ‘Oh, I see, well, let me have two double vodka martinis.’
  4. For his part, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has expressed his “full confidence” in Representative Scalise.
  5. Oh, and the first press image they released was a pair of black dudes in tracksuits as a troll of sorts to NME.
  6. There'll be heaps uh fun in the Cypress Hills country when they get t' runnin' the whisky-jacks out.
  7. He must be The saltest fish that swims the sea.And, oh!He has a secret woe!
  8. "Oh, they were quite safe in my case, not being a mangeur de cœurs," replied the discreet young nobleman.
  9. "Oh, piles of money of course; all the common councilmen have piles of money," said Spunyarn.
  10. I noticed you went—oh, yes, I observed that very much; and I thought it very strange, under the circumstances.