twister / ˈtwɪs tər /


twister 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or thing that twists.
  2. Informal. a whirlwind or tornado.
  3. Chiefly British Informal. a deceitful, unscrupulous person.

twister 近义词

n. 名词 noun

weather event

twister 的近义词 4


  1. In southern New Jersey, the Weather Service was investigating whether any twisters touched down after radar detected the possibility of several.
  2. Before that event, only two days in the modern record since 1950 have produced twisters inside Washington.
  3. In northeast West Virginia, a twister rated EF1 on the 0 to 5 scale for tornado intensity, downed trees and wires and damaged structures in Ranson, which is just north of Charles Town.
  4. The tornado in Charles Town and twister in Frederick County were part of a small but long-lived complex of storms tracking to the northeast Monday evening.
  5. Spann tweeted his thanks Thursday evening to “all of you who have reached out to me,” saying his wife was there when the twister hit but went unscathed inside their in-home shelter.
  6. The F4 twister cut a long swath of destruction that crossed just four blocks from my house.
  7. The big twister on Monday had no sooner moved on than the paramedics were there.
  8. The other injuries from this latest twister largely seemed to come from flying debris.
  9. When the twister tore through Moore, Mona Thomas lost everything.
  10. If that is so, then the twister was a measure of the forces we are playing with.
  11. "Yuh couldn't ride Twister, yuh know yuh couldn't," Pink objected gently.
  12. Jack was fully qualified to assume this task, and it was seldom they were ever able to stump him with a twister.
  13. Moreover, Jviii does not even revolve in a closed orbit; its path is an open twister of unreturning turns.
  14. "Yes, I reckon it will be more exciting than that cyclone twister that came near wafting us away," Jim said.
  15. And the time-honoured rhyme, "When a twister a twisting," etc., has been traced back by Halliwell to a collection of 1674.