twinning / ˈtwɪn ɪŋ /


twinning 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the bearing of two children at one birth.
  2. the coupling of two persons or things; union.
  3. Crystallography. the union of crystals to form a twin.
  4. an act or instance of matching or resembling someone or something in a specific way, and the acknowledgment of this resemblance: accidental twinning;I love those twinning outfits.Look at their twinning duckfaces.

twinning 近义词


等同于 pair


  1. Despite humans’ age-old fascination with identical twins, the biological process that generates them, known as monozygotic twinning, “is an enigma,” says Jenny van Dongen, an epigeneticist at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  2. In families where twinning is frequent, bodily deformities likewise occur with frequency.
  3. This twinning may be produced by pressure acting either during the crystallization of the rock or at a later period.
  4. The plate of material is rather wider than before, and is formed into two combs simultaneously, by the aid of a twinning machine.
  5. The second method, known as “twinning” or “parting,” avoids this loss and is also more rapid.
  6. The repeated twinning gives rise to twin-lamellae, which may be detected on the fractured surfaces, even of the massive material.