twice-born / ˈtwaɪsˈbɔrn / 💦中学词汇两次出生 两次生 两次出生的 两次出生的人
twice-born 的定义adj. 形容词 adjective Hinduism . of or relating to members of the Indian castes of Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vaisyas, who undergo a spiritual rebirth and initiation in adolescence.having undergone reincarnation. born-again . denoting any moral or religious experience that brings about a major reorientation of a person's character or personality. 更多twice-born 例句 The influential al Qaeda propagandist, who was born in New Mexico, died in a U.S. drone strike later that year. Cosby conspiracy theorists share a perspective born of a long, pained history of American racism. “I heard them say, ‘He was shot twice,’” the father, Joseph Dossi, remembers. The cops gave chase and the gunman fired the big revolver twice more. A few months later, after their children were born, we visited the men and women again. To reproduce the impulse born of the thought—this is the aim of a psychological method. We had six field-pieces, but we only took four, harnessed wit twice the usual number of horses. Elyon is the name of an ancient Phœnician god, slain by his son El, no doubt the “first-born of death” in Job xviii. Twice a year the formal invitation was sent out by the old nobleman to his only son, and to his two nephews. Afterwards we saw you once or twice at tea at the Ritz, and you took off your hat, so you must have remembered then.