tunica / ˈtu nɪ kə, ˈtyu- /


tunica 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural tu·ni·cae [too-ni-see, tyoo-]. /ˈtu nɪˌsi, ˈtyu-/. Anatomy, Zoology, Botany.

  1. a tunic.


  1. For the sake of the omen she put on before going to sleep the tunica rcta, or rgilla, woven in one piece and falling to the feet.
  2. From them the tunic of the knight was called tunica angust clv (or angusticlvia), and that of the senator lt clv (or lticlvia).
  3. Under this official tunic the knight or senator wore usually a plain tunica interior.
  4. Part of the stroma eventually forms a layer close below the surface, which becomes in the adult the tunica albuginea.
  5. A very slight watery effusion between the Pia Mater and Tunica arachnoidea.