tubulure / ˈtu byə lər, ˈtyu- /


tubulure 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a short tubular opening, as in a glass jar or at the top of a retort.


  1. Close the tubulure by means of an india-rubber stopper previously sterilised by boiling in a beaker of water.
  2. Remove the cotton-wool plug from the tubulure and pour the inoculated medium into the glass vessel.
  3. Twenty pounds of strong sulphuric acid are now to be introduced by the tubulure c, and then its lid must be put on.
  4. We attach to its neck an adopter pipe, and two or three globes with opposite tubulures, and a last globe with a vertical tubulure.
  5. The steam enters through the tubulure, A, and finds its way around the periphery of a tuyere, D.