triple-space / ˈtrɪp əlˈspeɪs /


triple-space 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb

tri·ple-spaced, tri·ple-spac·ing.

  1. to type so as to have two blank lines after each typed line.


  1. Elderly women played Triple Double Diamond and Tiki Magic while they chain-smoked.
  2. Space Invaders had just been introduced in America, and Atari was looking for a game that would do it one better.
  3. The wine-producing countries of Spain, Italy, and France, suggest limits that are double and triple that of the U.S.
  4. “Every single witness is inadmissible, hearsay, triple-hearsay,” said assistant state attorney Penny Brill in court yesterday.
  5. Her very first sculpture, a metallic chrome unicorn aptly titled “Space Oracle,” sits on a pedestal directly in front.
  6. When rapidly deposited, as by artificial precipitation, triple phosphate often takes feathery, star- or leaf-like forms.
  7. The sediment usually contains abundant amorphous phosphates and crystals of triple phosphate and ammonium urate.
  8. At the beginning of 1917 I was offered the chance of production in a triple bill if I cut it down into a two-act play.
  9. It has no balconies outside, but, instead of this, a triple wreath of leaves round each story.
  10. It was the man with the bluish cheek scar who had accosted him after the triple-killing in that office building.