tricycle / ˈtraɪ sɪ kəl, -ˌsɪk əl /


tricycle 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a vehicle, especially one for children, having one large front wheel and two small rear wheels, propelled by foot pedals.
  2. a velocipede with three wheels propelled by pedals or hand levers.
  3. a three-wheeled motorcycle.


  1. A Jewish film festival has backed out of the Tricycle Theater after the venue refused to accept money from the Israeli government.
  2. An overturned tricycle lays feet away as an ominous sky lingers in the background.
  3. On Tuesday a pink tricycle stood in front of a home turned to wreckage.
  4. The filmmakers were shooting their moving target from an adult-size tricycle jury-rigged for the occasion.
  5. The next feature in the programme was that a tiger should ride round the circus on a tricycle.
  6. At that moment an errand-boy was slowly propelling a carrier tricycle along by the kerb.
  7. Bolée's tandem tricycle was the sensation during the first stage, averaging twenty miles an hour.
  8. They went through, and he was lucky enough to locate a broken-down tricycle cab.
  9. Anyhow, he got on his tricycle, and started for a ride into the country.