transparency / trænsˈpɛər ən si, -ˈpær- /


transparency 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural trans·par·en·cies.

  1. Also trans·par·ence. the quality or state of being transparent.
  2. something transparent, especially a picture, design, or the like on glass or some translucent substance, made visible by light shining through from behind.
  3. Photography. the proportion of the light that is passed through the emulsion on an area of a photographic image.a photographic print on a clear base for viewing by transmitted light.

transparency 近义词

n. 名词 noun


transparency 的近义词 5
transparency 的反义词 2


  1. Governments could have demanded transparency and low prices.
  2. Solana Beach has revealed itself to be especially hostile to transparency during the pandemic.
  3. Unfortunately, data trusts do not guarantee more transparency.
  4. Meyer’s overture of transparency does not appear to have swayed legislators.
  5. By going the extra mile and first creating and presenting a forecast based on their current traffic and the search trends that might influence them, you lay out a foundation of transparency and easily researchable assumptions.
  6. The hope was that greater transparency about performance would drive results.
  7. The old culture of the Party of Regions—its lack of transparency, the graft and the shady deal making—has returned.
  8. The question, of course, is how far LDS authorities will go in this new commitment to transparency.
  9. They are meant to show that the Church has adopted a new line of transparency on clerical sex abuse.
  10. We need to believe that Taylor's actions yesterday are pure, or the transparency loses its potency.
  11. From side windows there comes a good light; and from the roof, which has a central transparency, additional clearness is obtained.
  12. Colour, and what in painting is called transparency, belong chiefly to shade.
  13. He has great skill in the transparency and clearness of his tones.
  14. Great cities stud its shores; but they are powerless to dim the transparency of its waters.
  15. A pilot-house with its elevated position and transparency seemed a poor place to be in when fighting was going on.