transitive / ˈtræn sɪ tɪv, -zɪ- /


transitive2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Grammar. having the nature of a transitive verb.
  2. characterized by or involving transition; transitional; intermediate.
  3. passing over to or affecting something else; transeunt.
  4. Mathematics. noting a relation in which one element in relation to a second element and the second in relation to a third element implies the first element is in relation to the third element, as the relation “less than or equal to.”
n. 名词 noun
  1. Grammar. a transitive verb.


  1. Though science is regrettably behind in confirming this, I think it’s fair to say that, because pain causes an endorphin response, and hot peppers cause pain, by the transitive principle, eating hot peppers probably causes an endorphin rush.
  2. How transitive these equations are is the question posed above, but it is trivial to follow the thread from one to the next to the next.
  3. If the word is to be taken as virtually transitive, the object must be the partisans of the offender.
  4. That's called "transitive trust" -- trust that moves across the web of our relationships.
  5. The intransitive form derives from the transitive by dropping a generalized, customary, reflexive or cognate object.
  6. To grammarians and logicians these have seemed more primitive than the transitive, or at least exceptions to the transitive.
  7. I found that it was his persistent, natural, and magnificent use of hundreds of transitive verbs.