traditor 的定义
plural trad·i·to·res [trad-i-tawr-eez, -tohr-]. /ˌtræd ɪˈtɔr iz, -ˈtoʊr-/.
- an early Christian who betrayed other Christians at the time of the Roman persecutions.
- He, while he was still a sub-deacon, was most unmistakeably entered as a traditor in the archives of the city.
- We must therefore consider and declare how far the traditor is to be accounted dead while yet alive.
- Augustine answered: You do not prove that I, whom you wish to baptize afresh, am either a persecutor or a traditor.
- It is nothing to the point if you should say, I am not a traditor, I am not an offerer of incense, I am not a persecutor.