toro / ˈtɔ rɔ /


toro 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural to·ros [taw-raws]. /ˈtɔ rɔs/. Spanish.

  1. a bull.


  1. “The horror film is a very political genre,” writer/director Guillermo del Toro said in an interview with Time magazine in 2011.
  2. The film also stars A-listers Reese Witherspoon, Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, and Owen Wilson.
  3. Regardless, that goes double for a hippy isle full of expats and pungent pot known as Bocas del Toro.
  4. Like film actors, film directors—David Fincher with House of Cards, Guillermo del Toro with The Strain—are crossing over into TV.
  5. Guillermo del Toro is one of the most inventive directors around.
  6. Others of the same character took place at El Rincon del Toro, and other places.
  7. From Toro to Suez it is 28 leagues, without any island bank or shoal in the whole way that can impede the navigation.
  8. While between Toro and Suez, though the days were insufferably hot, the nights were colder than any I ever met with.
  9. This hill continues along the coast for 15 or 16 leagues, but the red streaks do not continue more than six leagues beyond Toro.
  10. Crossing over to Toro, some vessels belonging to the enemy were taken.