toolmaker / ˈtulˌmeɪ kər /


toolmaker 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a machinist skilled in the building and reconditioning of tools, jigs, and related devices used in a machine shop.


  1. Even William Bentley, the toolmaker, romped and raced in the ankle-deep dust like a boy.
  2. Carpenter, self-designated "toolmaker of Lancaster," submitted patents for the improvement of wood planes between 1831 and 1849.
  3. Attempts to identify an English toolmaker of that name working in the second half of the 17th century have been unsuccessful.
  4. Moving there in 1890, he obtained for his brother a position as toolmaker with the Ames Company.
  5. The other five were a filling station owner, a dentist, a toolmaker, an electrical appliance dealer and a printer.