toile / twɑl /


toile 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of various transparent linens and cottons.
  2. toile de Jouy.

toile 近义词


等同于 linen


  1. "Draps de toile," said the smiling maid, putting the linen sheets on the bed.
  2. The porter was profusely polite, and the horses started off at a loose trot down the Boulevards and towards the toile.
  3. For then they had bene entrapped as Deere in a toile; then not one of them could haue escaped.
  4. La Veste aussy longue que le Juste au Corps de toile blanche garnie de dentelle ou point.
  5. Cette indienne est une sorte de percale ou toile de coton peinte, dont il y a plusieurs fabriques en Catalogne.