toadflax / ˈtoʊdˌflæks /


toadflax 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a common European plant, Linaria vulgaris, of the figwort family, having narrow leaves and showy yellow-and-orange flowers, naturalized as a weed in the U.S.
  2. any plant of the same genus.


  1. They are mostly annuals, such as the little Toadflax (Linaria minor), which can just manage to exist under those conditions.
  2. Strong woody knapweed endures it, so does toadflax and pale blue scabious, and wild mignonette.
  3. The stems of the Red Valerian are tall and upright; those of the Toadflax are slender and drooping.
  4. It feeds in the flowers of yellow toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), and may be reared on flowers of the snapdragon (Antirrhinum).
  5. A mellow brick wall enclosed the orchard, a wall beautified by small green ferns, by pink and red valerian, and yellow toadflax.