tirage / tiˈraʒ /


tirage 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ti·rages [tee-razh]. /tiˈraʒ/. French.

  1. the withdrawing of wine from a barrel, as for testing or tasting.
  2. a drawing, as in a lottery.


  1. Le Tarot Divinatoire: Clef du tirage des cartes et des sorts.
  2. The tirage or bottling of the wine ordinarily commences in the middle of May, and occupies fully a month.
  3. The tirage or bottling is effected by means of two large tuns placed side by side, and holding twelve hogsheads of wine each.
  4. The tirage, or bottling of the wine, ordinarily commences in the middle of May, and occupies fully a month.
  5. Yet here is a tirage of 6000 bottles taking place thirty-four years previously.